
Dr. Lynne Lafave
Senior Scientist, CHEERS
Dr. Lynne Lafave is a Professor in the Department of Health and Physical Education at Mount Royal University in Calgary Alberta.
She holds a doctorate in nutritional sciences and her research focuses on nutrition, physical activity, and well-being initiatives in early childhood education and care.
Role with CHEERS
She works jointly with the CHEERS Research and Program Team to support early child health and well-being initiatives in the early childhood education and care setting.
As director of the CHEERS project, Dr. Lafave is responsible for the project’s long-term scientific strategy.

Dr. Nadine Van Wyk
Co-Investigator, CHEERS
Nadine completed her Ph.D. in Kinesiology at the University of Calgary. Her area of focus in the field of physical literacy and curriculum design.
Nadine has been assisting the CHEERS research team to explore the inclusion of physical literacy in the early year's environment.

Dr. Catherine Smey Carston
Co-Investigator, CHEERS
Dr. Catherine Smey Carston is an associate professor in the Bachelor of Child Studies at Mount Royal University in Calgary Alberta. She is currently co-leading a team of researchers who are exploring pedagogical supports for the implementation of the Alberta Early Learning and Care curriculum framework in child care programs across the province.
Her research interests include pedagogical leadership, mentoring and coaching and her teaching focus is around the child, family and community.
Dr. Smey Carston’s acts in an advisory and consultative capacity in regard to the field of early learning and child care, as well as a research co-investigator
Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Joyce El Hayek
Post-Doctoral Fellow, CHEERS
Dr. Joyce El Hayek is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Health and Physical Education at Mount Royal University in Calgary Alberta.
She holds a Bachelor degree in Biochemistry and a Master's degree in Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Management from the Lebanese University. She attained her Ph.D. in Health Promotion from Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Role with CHEERS
Joyce is responsible for the facilitation and management of the CHEERS project including collecting and analyzing data and writing academic journal articles.
Undergraduate Research Assistants

First Name Last Name
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
Taryn Pratt is currently an honours student in her 3rd-year of Food & Nutrition specialization in Dietetics at Brescia College - Western University.
Taryn has been assisting the CHEERS research team to assess the communication and messaging in the learning modules.

First Name Last Name
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
Kelsi Dickson is currently an Athletic Therapy student in the Department of Health and Physical Education at Mount Royal University.
Kelsi has been assisting the CHEERS research team to update learning modules and source evidence informed education content.
Our Alumni
A well functioning team can make a world of difference. Our alumni have made important contributions to the success of the CHEERS research project and we wish them well on the next steps of their career and making their mark on society.

Katharine Elliott
Research Coordinator - Data, CHEERS
Katharine graduated from Mount Royal University (MRU) in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Katharine discovered her passion for research during her time at MRU and has since been involved in several research projects.
In her role as research coordinator, Katharine assists in the execution of the CHEERS program. Additionally, Katharine is involved in performing research activities including data collection, analysis, and research dissemination

Makayla Vermette
Research Coordinator - Program, CHEERS
Makayla graduated from Mount Royal University (MRU) in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.
In her role as research coordinator, Makayla assists in the execution of the CHEERS program. Additionally, Makayla is involved in performing research activities including data collection, analysis, and research dissemination

Caroline Sasse
Research Coordinator, CHEERS
Caroline is a graduate of the Psychology Honours Program in the Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University.
Role with CHEERS
Caroline supported the development and execution of the CHEERS Program including data collection and research dissemination.
Caroline is currently pursuing her Master of Counselling Program at CityUniversity.

Ceilidh McConnell
Research Coordinator, CHEERS
Ceilidh is a graduate of the Psychology Honours Program in the Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University.
Role with CHEERS
Ceilidh supported the development and execution of the CHEERS Program including data collection and research dissemination.
Ceilidh is currently pursuing her Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada.

Alexis Webster
Research Coordinator, CHEERS
Alexis is a graduate of the Psychology Honours Program in the Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University.
Role with CHEERS
Alexis supported the development and execution of the CHEERS Program including data collection and research dissemination.
Alexis is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology at the University of British Columbia in British Columbia, Canada.

Samira Ali
Knowledge Translation Coordinator, CHEERS
As the social media coordinator, Samira shares important resources and information with the early childhood education community. Additionally, she increases awareness of the CHEERS project through our social media platforms
Samira holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Sociology from Mount Royal University.
Undergraduate Alumni

Aaron Jia
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
Aaron assisted the CHEERS research team with participant recruitment and leadership for the CHEERS Communities of Practice sessions.
Aaron is currently completing a Psychology degree in the Faculty of Arts at Mount Royal University.

Qaisara Mohamed
Practicum Student, CHEERS
Qaisara assisted the CHEERS research team with sharing nutrition, physical activity, and self-care knowledge mobilization with the early childhood community.
Qaisara completed a Bachelor of Child Studies student - Early Learning and Child Care major in the Department of Child Studies and Social Work at Mount Royal University. She is currently pursuing Masters of Speech Therapy at the University of Alberta.

Sara Reena
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
Sara assisted with the CHEERS Day Home project and assisted the research team in various CHEERS initiatives.
Sara completed a Bachelor of Science majoring in Health Science through the Department of Science and Technology at Mount Royal University. Sara is currently pursuing a Master's of Public Health at the University of Saskatchewan.

Ceilidh McConnell
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
Ceilidh began as a undergraduate research assistant with CHEERS while she was completing her Honours Program in the Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University.
Role with CHEERS
Ceilidh supported the development and execution of the CHEERS Program including data collection and research dissemination.
Ceilidh is currently pursuing her Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada.

Alexis Webster
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
Alexis is a graduate of the Psychology Honours Program in the Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University.
Role with CHEERS
Alexis supported the development and execution of the CHEERS Program including data collection and research dissemination.
Alexis is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology at the University of British Columbia in British Columbia, Canada.

Jenny Vuong
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
2017 - 2019
Jenny Vuong is a graduate of the Physical Literacy program in the Department of Health and Physical Education.
Role with CHEERS
Jenny assisted in the assessment of physical activity levels and the physical activity environment of preschool children in child care programs.
Jenny is currently pursuing her Doctor of Physical Therapy at Australia Bond University in Melbourne, Australia.

Joshua Dhanaraj
Student Research Assistant, CHEERS
2018 - 2019
Joshua Dhanaraj completed a Bachelor of Child Studies majoring in Child and Youth Care Counselling from the Department of Child Studies and Social Work, Mount Royal University.
Role with CHEERS
Joshua was part of an interdisciplinary team of research assistants. He worked with children aged three to five, assessing movement behaviour patterns within early learning education environments.
Joshua is currently pursuing a Master of Counselling Program at City University of Seattle in Canada.

Elena Nessler
Student RA & Social Media Coordinator, CHEERS
Elena is a graduate of the Information Design Program in the School of Communication Studies at Mount Royal University.
Role with CHEERS
Elena completed a re-design of the CHEERS website and updated the visual design to reflect the brand identity. She also wrote website blogs and managed social media in order to support a growing online community.
Elena is currently pursuing a Graphic Design career.