Well-Being Resources

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
A resource hub for caring for your mental health within the COVID-19 Pandemic.

MyHealthyAlberta.ca - Stress Management
Tips for helping children manage stress and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

MyHealthyAlberta – Helping Children Express Themselves
A great resource that explains how adults can help children learn to express their emotions.

Apple Schools - Mental Health Bins
Activities that are perfect for helping support children’s mental health.

Apple Schools - Mental Health Breaks
Tips and techniques for taking mental health breaks for both educators and students.

Kids Help Phone
A website to connect children to support when they are struggling with their mental health and links to blogs on various mental health topics.

Mind Your Mind & Sea to Sky Community Services
Interactive online learning modules to educate yourself and plan for your own mental well-being.

Alberta Health Services
Resources and online learning courses regarding mental health for educators.

Alberta Health Services - Help in Tough Times
This website is full of links for how to get mental health help during the pandemic and additional resources for mental health education.

Canadian Mental Health Association
A great list of resources focused on mental health and well-being during the pandemic.